Luther Burbank was born on Born March 7, 1849 and died on April 11, 1926. He was devoted to breeding plants. During his lifetime he developed more than 800 different varieties of plants, including 113 varieties of plums and prunes, 10 varieties of berries, 50 varieties of lilies and the Freestone peach.

Luther was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Burbank was brought up in a farm and only got to receive elementary school education. At age 21 he purchased a 17-acre tract near Lunenberg, Massachusetts, and began a 55-year plant breeding career.

In 1871 he developed the Burbank potato. He introduced it into Ireland to fight the blight epidemic. He then sold the rights to the Burbank potato for $150 and with this money he traveled to Santa Rose. In Santa Rosa, he established a nursery garden, greenhouse, and experimental farms that have become famous throughout the world.

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